Five Secret Habits Of Close Couples With Strong Relationships

25 March, 2017

Couples enjoying strong and healthy relationships don’t depend on luck or chance to remain happy together, but believe in consistent effort from each other. As a relationship specialist and couple counselor, I frequently encounter couples who have built and maintained longer-lasting, solid relationships through hard work and commitment. In this article, I’ll be sharing five secret habits of couples who stay in love, in good times and in bad, that can serve as valuable lessons for other couples who are keen on having strong and fulfilling relationships.

Five Types Of Betrayal In An Intimate Relationship (Other Than Physical Infidelity)

20 March, 2017

Physical infidelity is the most common betrayal in an intimate relationship and can be extremely damaging mainly because it results in serious loss of trust. But there are other types of betrayal in an intimate relationship that can be equally damaging and ruin things between a couple. In this article, I’ll be discussing the types of betrayal other than physical infidelity in an intimate relationship that can be as damaging if not more than physically cheating on your partner.

Five Tips For Successful Post-Divorce Parenting

14 March, 2017

Parenting children can be a tough job, but parenting after a divorce is much tougher because of all kinds of practical and emotional challenges accompanying the separation. But divorce can also provide you an opportunity to be a better parent than you were before the marriage ended. In this article, I’ll be sharing five tips for successful post-divorce parenting and avoiding some common mistakes that divorced parents generally make in such a situation.

Five Steps To Regain Trust After Betrayal In A Couples Relationship

10 March, 2017

Betrayal can have devastating consequences on a couple relationship by creating hurt, guilt, and resentment in both the partners. Betrayal can be particularly psychologically traumatizing for the victim and can shatter the trust built in their partner over the years. Even if the damage done by betrayal to the relationship can initially appear too great to overcome, it is still possible for the couple to rebuild trust and emerge stronger than ever. In this article, I’ll be sharing 5 important steps that can help a couple survive a betrayal by restoring their lost feeling of trust and repairing their relationship.

Five Steps To Strengthen Friendship In A Marriage

04 March, 2017

Friendship is the foundation of a healthy marriage and various studies have shown that couples with a strong friendship also enjoy higher marital satisfaction. That’s why it’s important to strengthen the friendship in your marriage and ensure that your spouse always remains your bestie. But the stress of managing the responsibilities of career, children and finances that usually accompany marriage often causes a marital relationship to grow apart. In this article’ I’ll be sharing five steps to help deepen your marital friendship and cultivate a stronger relationship with your spouse.

How to Keep Your Marriage Happy After The Children Leave Home

27 February, 2017

It is common for long-married couples to worry about the Empty Nest Syndrome, a period of grief, insecurity, loneliness, and loss of purpose experienced by parents when their children leave home for college, jobs or marriage. Couples in a strained relationship, in particular, worry that they will find themselves with nothing in common when their children have flown away and even fear it could lead to a divorce. But those fears are not entirely true. In fact, the husband and wife have more time and space to grow together after their children have grown up and gone, allowing their relationship to flourish. In this article, I’ll be sharing some tips that can help married couples with their transition into the post-parenting stage and rekindle their marital relationship.

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